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Bodnant Welsh Food

The second post in our weekly wellness collaboration with The Collective Wellness, an evidence-based holistic wellbeing resource.


Understanding caffeine...

Caffeine is a natural stimulant, which is most commonly found in coffee, tea and cacao plants, and is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the world! Once you ingest caffeine it is quickly absorbed from your gut into your bloodstream, from there it is broken down and can have an affect around your body. However, its main effect is on your brain, reducing tiredness and making you feel more alert.

Caffeine can also be found in dark and milk chocolate. There is some evidence to suggest that consuming caffeine may have beneficial effects such as improving mood and brain function, boosting metabolism, improving exercise performance, and reducing health risks. However, it’s important to recognise that further evidence is needed to support these claims and the majority of studies focus on drinking tea or coffee, both of which contain additional ingredients which may also have an effect on health. Caffeine consumption is generally considered safe, but can have some negative side effects if consumed in excess, such as: anxiety, restlessness, tremors and trouble sleeping. Overall the recommended intake is 400mg per day or 200mg per day if pregnant.


  • Coffee

  • Tea

  • Dark chocolate

  • Milk chocolate



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